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Supporting Victims of Accidents at Work | HAYMANS SOLICITORS

Whatever your place of work, your employers have a legal responsibility to make sure your health is protected whilst working.

At Haymans solicitors, we have an expert panel of specialists capable of handling your accident at work case. We have ample experience in assisting people with work injuries and successfully claimed for hundreds of clients.

If you had an accident at work on a construction site, handling heavy objects, or you’ve had a slip or fall due to the working environment we can handle your claim.

Your employer must make sure you were sufficiently trained in all aspects of dangerous work, and ensure you were given any protective clothing alongside safe working procedures.

Our professional team takes a personal approach to your injury. We work with you to ensure your personal circumstances are taken into account and advise you accordingly.

We work on a no win no fee basis and work towards giving you the maximum amount of compensation possible.

How much Compensation can I expect to receive?

While we can not guarantee compensation for clients, we work towards building your case to a degree where compensation is highly likely.

  • In 2013 our solicitors successfully handled a slip and trip case resulting in £12,000 compensation
  • In 2014 our solicitors successfully claimed £4000 for a staff worker sustaining injuries from excessive weight
  • In 2015 our solicitors successfully claimed £2700 for an injury in a factory caused by a colleague

No Win-No Fee

We generally work on a no-win-no-fee basis. This means that you will not pay a single penny unless we are successfully able to win your case.

If we are able to win your case, most of the compensation will be claimed from the other side.

Throughout the process, we will make sure you are made aware of any compensation you may be due based on your circumstances. Find out how to make a claim now.

For further no obligation advice
Call now on: 01132 49 49 49.