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Holiday Claim Specialists | HAYMANS SOLICITORS

Holiday Claims

If you’re one of the thousands of people who have suffered an illness or accident on holiday abroad, and need to make a holiday accident claim, our expert team of personal injury solicitors can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Our team can help you make compensation claims for your holiday, for example, if you had an illness or suffered an injury while you were abroad. We’ve completed hundreds of cases of holiday accident claims or illness claims abroad including:

  • Road Traffic Accidents
  • Food poisoning from Hotels/Cafes
  • Unclean swimming areas
  • Stomach Complaints from poor hygiene
  • Negligence from local medical services
  • Serious injuries
  • Injuries resulting from operator negligence

Claims Time Limit

There is a usual time period limit of 3 years. This means that if the incident relating to your claim occured within the last 3 years, then you are able to initiate a claim.

It is possible that are could be some exceptions to this. However, it is always best to contact us directly so that we can give you the most reliable advice for your circumstances.

Our Approach

At Haymans solicitors, we will work continuously to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve if your holiday has been affected through no fault of your own. All Holiday Accident Claims cases we deal with are handled professionally with your individual needs taken into account.

This means for example if you are disabled or partially able we will take this into account during your compensation process. If there are other factors we need to consider, please let us know during our initial consultation.

How can we help?

If you’ve been on holiday with a tour operator, travel agent or airline in the UK on an all inclusive/package holiday, we may be able to claim for compensation on a no win, no fee arrangement.

In the initial stages, we always advise you to obtain as much evidence as you can including visual evidence, written evidence, and any contract details.

For further no obligation advice
Call now on: 01132 49 49 49.