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Slip-and-Trip Solicitors | HAYMANS SOLICITORS

A slip, trip or fall can happen at any time in a public place. These accidents could lead to an unnecessary injury.

Any organisation, company or private institution must ensure correct precautions are in place to reduce the risk of accidents occurring. If adequate measures are not in place, you may have a right to claim.

Accidents sustained from public places could include sprain, cut or fracture or something more serious.

This may have been caused by an uneven pavement, loose flooring, or something else.

Some common injuries sustained from public and private places may include:

  • Slippery floors recently cleaned
  • Loose Tiles on a floor area
  • Uneven Carpet on stairs
  • Incorrectly installed matting
  • Poorly maintained pavements
  • Obstructed walkways
  • Exposed wiring

Our Approach

Our personal injury solicitors have been handling slips and trips cases for over 15 years. We will provide you with the very best in legal advice to ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation for your claim.

It may appear daunting to make a claim against a local council, government organisation, or large private organisation when it comes to slips, trips, and falls.

We make the process as stress-free as possible and ensure you are fully aware of all aspects of your claim throughout the procedure.

We will make sure we have ascertained whether the organisation has got adequate health and safety measures to reduce the risk of injuries and coupled with your evidence we can generate your case.

How much compensation will I be awarded?

We look at slips, trips, and falls on an individual basis and will ascertain any compensation due to you based on the circumstances you experienced.

These types of cases require in-depth investigation which may include any injuries you sustained, any treatment you received and the level of impact it has had on your lifestyle.

For further no obligation advice
Call now on: 01132 49 49 49.