instead. in /homepages/44/d668698419/htdocs/HaymansStandard/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4956Fraud cases are often lengthy and prosecution can take time to complete. We will provide you with the expertise and high-quality representation you require when navigating difficult cases.
Fraud investigations of a more serious nature may lead to being charged with “conspiracy to defraud”. However, each conspiracy allegation is unique and dependent on the circumstances. Our expert panel of solicitors can provide you with appropriate advice.
We can help fraud in the following areas:
In order to gain the appropriate advice for your fraud investigation please get in touch with us. Otherwise it is impossible to provide general advice without more specific details of your case. Many of these types of cases are quite straightforward for us. There are many other cases where there is much greater complexity, particularly in conspiracies to defraud. This is because you may be alleged to have deliberately concocted a sophisticated plan with a fraudulent outcome intended.
If you are the victim of this kind of crime, it is easy to feel violated as the whole of our economy operates on a trust basis. If you are accused of this type of crime then things can get quite complicated.
Rest assured that your case will be treated with the utmost discretion. We will work hard to ensure the best possible outcome for your circumstances.
Over the past 15 years we have dealt with cases across the UK acting for cases involving individuals and business. We provide a personal and tailor-made service for all types of fraud and complex fraud cases and advise you on the best available defence.
We work with experts in forensic accounting and with specialist defence solicitors to ensure all information is analysed and correctly processed.
Our team is also trained in handling your confiscation of assets and restraint and can provide you with the best possible advice to protect your assets.